Monday 26 January 2009

This drawing is part of my current project in Interior Design. My brief was to design a specialist cheese shop and I feel this is my most successful recent drawing as it has aided me greatly when trying to visualize my ideas and progress through the design process. I constructed a 1-point perspective in pen and then used a tracing overlay to demonstrate colour and materials.
I am constantly trying to find a balance between the technical requirements of working in defined area and the expression of style, so using this combination of drawings enabled me to focus on these elements individually. The line drawing demonstrates a clear and accurate floor plan and the coloured section enhances it through detailing and the introduction of materials, therefore as a composition it is informative and expressive.
Despite the drawing not being a finalised design or a well finished piece of work, I think it served its purpose in highlighting to me my projects strengths and weaknesses and allowed me to move on and resolve some of these issues. Due to this, I feel it has been of great value to my design process.

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