Tuesday 20 January 2009


This is a study done of my younger brother Clinton.  As a child he suffered with bad Eczema to the extent that he had to be tied to the bedposts when he slept to prevent himself from scratching his own face and drawing blood.  
This drawing is made as a loose sketch from a photograph my dad took of him at his worst, the photograph is dominated by the extreme red of his raw skin with blood punctuating through.  This drawing I wanted to be jagged in terms of the marks i was making enough to retain the same raw nature as the photograph, I did however, want to keep the study figurative and recognizable.
What probably makes me regard this as a successful drawing is that I did not allow myself a great deal of time and forced myself to hold my pencil in a manner i was not accustomed to.  By adhering to those two rules, i felt i did not overdo the descriptive marks whilst also keeping the awkward quality of line. 

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