Friday 30 January 2009


This is a drawing done from the memory of a dream image. I have been thinking about the unconcious mind, how, and why it is usually unavailable to us at a concious level of thought,but also what a profound effect it has in our being. I thought about dreams as a way into the unconcious, trying to bring some of what is there to the level of concious thought. Dream thoughts and images  are very transient. They seem to evaporate. I wondered if I could catpure some of these remembered images by recording them as 'memory drawings', and if these drawings would enable me to remember and actually 'see' the dream images which I would otherwise forget. To a certain extent, recording scenes and images as drawings has been succesful, in that I can recall what I beleive to be the dream. However, I am aware that this is only my memory of it.
This drawing, and the others in the series of drawings, are done very spontanously, almost like in shorthand, and were really meant only as a recording for myself. I don't feel this is a particularly good drawing, but , for me, it does communicate a feeling . I drew in charcol. I like this as a medium- it's very immediate, and maleable. Looking at this drawing, I think it is interesting how dark and cofused, and mixed up it looks.
I haven't found any other way of imaging dreams than drawing. I wish I could print the images off, like photos from my camera!

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